It's been an unusually "challenging" year for me both professionally and personally. I tell you, this is the first year I’ve actually FELT like I was getting old! No worries, though, I will overcome! In the meantime, here are some wonderful things I enjoyed this past year and some activities I look forward to in 2013!
Summer Throwdown

Joining forces with Sherry (
@LibraryFanatic), Jillian (
@heisereads), and Bryan (
@brianwyzlic) to put on a month-long reading challenge between Teachers and School Librarians was phenomenal! We had over 150 participants who read almost 3,000 books! We had our own hashtags AND our very own T-Shirts! And don't forget the blog buttons! Oh, and it was super fantastic when the League of Librarians won that first round!
Batty About Books

This was another big reading highlight for me! Maria (
@mselke01) and I would choose a science fiction or fantasy book to read and discuss almost monthly. We did most of our discussion through Google docs then posted them on our blogs. We each had a different part of the story since my posts consisted of my thoughts and her reactions while hers were the opposite. The fun grew out of just responding to each book in whatever way the book moved us. We'll be guest posting over at the
Nerdy Book Club blog to talk more about this! I'm hoping we can continue reading together in 2013!
Reading Challenges

Weirdly, the only challenge I completely failed at was my own #NerdPrintz one! I look forward to picking up the mantle again this year! Realistically, due to committees and other club reading I've already committed to, I'll have to spread this out. But, look forward to some write-ups of at least 1/3 of the titles.
Blog Redesign
I'm still getting used to it but
Lori at Imagination Design re-did the blog. It's a total departure from designs I've had in the past. It's even a departure from what I originally thought I wanted! Lori stuck it out with me as I fumbled through the process and always responded quickly, despite the looming holidays! I've got a few new features I had her create buttons for and can't wait to share them!
PS: If you previously branded yourself - don't forget to update your favicon, gravatar and profile pics.
I look forward to lots of exciting reads and reading activities next year! I’ll be assisting with a Battle of the Book team, overseeing our 3rd Annual One Book, One School read complete with AUTHOR VISIT, and possibly creating my very own multi-school Mock Newbery book club!!! So, just keep calm, things will work out!
It definitely seems like you had a fabulous year, Ms. B! You have been an EXTREMELY busy librarian this year. ;) I loved reading your Batty About Books posts throughout the year, and enjoyed watching you get super competitive on Twitter over your summer reading challenge. I also love this new blog design! I think Lori did a fabulous job, especially with your signature and these adorable little headers and footers. One of the things I'm thinking about in 2013 is to get a new blog design. I love how you went so beyond your normal stuff. The blog looks fantastic!
ReplyDeleteI hope you have a fabulous 2013 Ms. B! I can't wait to see what you do in this new year, and look forward to chatting even more. <3 <3
Every time I read something like this, I think I missed my calling as a librarian! The Battle of the Books coordinator at my daughter's elementary school asked me to suggest titles for the reading lists - so many choices!