I have officially started my own blog, and won't be a full time writer anymore here.
I have thought about how I wanted to word this post, and as I sit here my eyes are watering up and the sniffles are coming.
While I have only been writing here since the fall, there are many people I need to thank, before I can get excited about my new blog.
1. Kathy, man where do I begin. I met you, we talked, we read, I wrote, and now here we are. YOU got me started. YOU encouraged me to go for what I wanted, and YOU stuck up with my obnoxious text messages when something wasn't working. Thank- you! You're the best!
2. Aneeqah- You started with me on this journey. We were sitting in a room with 4 other people when Kathy bought up the idea of blogging. You were all for it while I had my reservations. When you started you're blog the other day, you gave me thoughts if I wanted to start mine. Thanks for also putting up with my obnoxious text messages, and helping me through this.
3. My family- they let me sit up at a computer and type up reviews etc. They have been great with me getting this new blog.
I have been very thankful to have the opportunity to write here. Meet the amazing people in the blogging world, who are now moving over to my new blog. I'm also excited for all the new bloggers I will get to meet, and talk to.
For now this is my goodbye to hello. I hope you will rejoin with me at my other blog, where I will still be reading Realistic fiction.
Again, THANK YOU! Thanks for the support, and the love.
I want to leave us with a song... I song I feel that goes well with this goodbye to a hello... Because at one time we will collide together.
Loving to Read One Step at a Time

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